Monday, December 24, 2012

Small trades today equal huge trading gains tomorrow

infographic of the mayan calendar rolling off the fiscal cliff's edge for the binary options news of december 20, 2012
Very successful binary options investors all start small. Usually with one or two assets, you can determine over time how the rest of the system works. Once you do, you can see your profit margins rise. 

You will have failures - be ready for those. But don’t let them get you down. And the smaller you start, the less it will bother you and the faster you will learn. Always trade with prudence and without throwing all of your eggs in one basket. 

Like any other job, you want to start from the ground and work your way up.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

no holds barred from transporting oil this jolly holiday season

Trading oil requires vessels and water
With the advent of the holiday season upon us, prices for oil will be drastically rising up due to demand for production costs, travel, and heating as well. 

Because of this, an investor into binary options trading should look to the oil price index to bank on an increase in oil prices in his or her trading to earn some extra financial gains this holiday season. 

Always remember that knowing what the trend will do will give you the insight you need to make the perfect trades.

Monday, October 15, 2012

The thing that makes binary options stock trading so popular

You may ask Guru tradingmybinaryoptionsstocks 1 question
As somebody who may not understand the market, but wants to participate in trading stocks, binary options is the way to go. 

With absolutely no knowledge about rules and regulations, one can become a binary options stock trader within minutes of starting. Literally. It’s that easy. 

With binary options, a trader can pick and choose any number of assets at once and invest in them. High rates of return, unlike on the stock market, allows a trader to reap the rewards of investment within minutes of starting. 

One good choice on a stock can mean ample opportunity for reinvestment of those gains for even more and bigger coverage on assets. This is what makes binary options stock trading so popular and worthwhile as an investment opportunity, and why it represents such a great vehicle of success to most people.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Know your pollen to trade binary options

A legend of botany and binary options science
You have a gut feeling that the price of silver is going to go up in the next 24 hours and you decide that you're going to trade binary options. You're going to invest in the idea that silver will hit a certain number within 24 hours.

But how do you know if you'll be right, other than simply going with your gut?

Here is where black and scholes come into the picture. Black and scholes were brilliant men who created a formula for economists in the 1970s. Called the black-scholes formula with the geometric brownian motion, the very same that was discovered by the botanist, Robert Brown, it charts and predicts what a commodity will do in a set amount of time. It takes many factors into consideration when creating the formula and methodically helps you to make the right decisions for your silver binary options trade.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Why the Range platform option is good for news readers

People who read news blogs all day of certain sectors, such as tech blogs like Techcrunch, Gizmodo, and others, will be perfect candidates for becoming successful binary options traders who make a huge return on investment with the range trading platform. The range trading platform is for people who can determine if a stock price will stay within a certain stock price range, or move outside of it due to some announcement. 

With that in mind, if you are the sort of person who knows all the up to date latest stories and information about the tech sector, this may be the sort of platform for you. Remember that you’ll be making decisions on how you see the market reacting to news reports about certain things, which means that you have to determine whether or not the story will be a big deal or not, and invest based on that prediction on those market forces.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Trading Silver Binary Options

I <3 Silver bullion ingots
There are a few key index markets which everyone should learn about as the basis of our financial system - especially a binary options trader. One of these is silver. Silver is used in many products, from electronics to agriculture and fashion.

The buying and selling of silver is a great indicator of how the economy is doing and what the expected output is supposed to be like. With it, one can predict short term and long term trends in various markets.

A trader of binary options will want to use that information as quickly as possible to maximize on his or her predictions of future trends in different markets. The more silver is bought, the better the economy is predicted to be. The less is bought, the less the output will be on a global scale.

Binary options traders keep their eyes on many markets so learning how to read a few key indicators will help them maximize their return on investment much better than if they never learn them at all.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Binary Options Trading Observation

For binary options trading, it's always interesting to pay attention to stocks and to see what will happen with them in a set amount of time. Keep in mind, with trader options, that you are predicting whether a stock will go up in price or down, and how much it will go up or down, in a set amount of time.

Apple Inc. is one of the hot stocks at the moment and one that is worth watching for the binary options trade. Apple Inc. is always coming up with new and exciting products from their mobile communication products to their digital music offerings.

Paying attention to them is certainly something that many people do for binary trading and something that could offer you success!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

How to choose your top ten binary options assets

Hit the bull's eye every time - by not missing.
We are always looking for the silver lining - and we can certainly start to do so with silver as the asset in binary trading. Silver is one of the hot commodities to watch in 2012, as it is set to be one that the binary trader will want to follow. If you think that you want to watch silver for binary options, become an expert in this area. Pay attention to silver and watch how it fluctuates in the market and when. Then, make a prediction about how silver will fluctuate in price in a set amount of time and wait to see if your prediction pans out. Certainly, along with gold, crude oil and natural gas, it's one of the commodities to pay attention to this year. Enjoy trading options more with silver backing you up!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Trading binary options gold

Gold prices are a-hoppin'
Any time that there is an election, it's an interesting time to look at trading gold. Election years always create a feeling of anticipation and often help the economy to rise a bit. This is a great time to trade gold and to take a look at gold as an asset for trading binary options. Traditionally, when the dollar has been up, the price of gold has gone down. This would infer that, as the dollar goes up before an election, the price of gold will go down. Obviously, there is no way to know if this prediction is true, but you can look back at elections and see what happened with the dollar and with gold. And then, you'll be able to make an educated prediction as you trade binary options and have fun seeing what happens with gold in the year ahead.

Monday, January 9, 2012

My Precious! Metal stocks that make the Top Ten list for 2012

You might think that January is a perfect time for Golem to hide in his cave and hold on dearly to his precious metal ring. Then again, we don't live in the Shire, let alone anywhere near Kasadoom, and precious metals do not only exist in the land of fairies and magic.

Have you switched to binary options?
There are other precious metals you can trade in the real world, including gold and silver and if you're good at predicting market direction in a short time span, then you could earn your very own One Ring without the negative baggage that follows the Baggins family.

This list of top 10 precious metal stocks for binary options trading in 2012 is presented by a binary options trader who loves to draw and fish, especially when it rains.

That's kind of the beauty of trading binary options in real-time on a secure binary options trading platform. I know I can call an asset's likely market direction most of the time, and I know it's very easy to trade on sites like bebinary .com and where my trades can be practically as quick as I like.

Given that the whole stock market is kind of a circus of patience and fortune, and all too often the patience does not give the investors too many nice returns, it's good that I have more options than just traditional market investing tools. With binary options I decide what I want to trade, when I want to trade, and I don't have to sit on pins and needles waiting for any number of bad things that can happen between now and a year from now, or more.